Saturday, October 20, 2012

Donghae Festival

So, it's been a couple weeks and I want to do at least one update before I go to sleep.  I'm really tired though.  Solution: lots of pictures and a few words.  So, here we go:

Last weekend was pretty cool.  There was a festival in Donghae.  Festivals are seriously abundant in Korea.  For the most part, it's food and shopping and a little entertainment.  Donghae had a nice enough sized one considering what a small town Donghae is. 

Here it is, illustrated:

Getting wasted on soju during the middle of the day is a required festival activity.  Dancing with the performers may or may not be optional.

Can you spot the drunk people jamming with the band?!

Mmmmm...Korean street food.  Corn dog-esque things are pretty popular here.  In addition to adding ketchup and mustard, they're usually also rolled in sugar. Yum!

At a balloon game, the operator brought his dog.  I just think Korean dog fashion is hilarious, so here's a purple eared dog:

There was this cool tent with money from all over the world.  I wish I could have read what it was about, but at least there were pretty things to look at.

Performance at the festival-I couldn't see much, because there was quite a crowd, but apparently drag comedy routines are a huge hit here.

So, now I'm quite sleepy and lazy, so I'll just publish these for your enjoyment.  Still to come: K-pop concert pictures, picnic in the mountains scenes, school festival, school sports day and festivals in Gangneung.  Stay tuned!

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