Saturday, September 1, 2012

A Few Pictures From Orientation

Okay peeps, finally an update.  Sorry, it's been hectic.  Here's some photos I didn't have a chance to put up before:

Tasty airport snacks: the sparkling green tea tasted like Sprite, the other drink is some kind of rice water and the snack cake tasted like a Twinkie.

Seoul as seen from the bus

Opening ceremony special performance by a traditional Korean instrument orchestra

Looks like Icebreakers gum from the States, tastes like ***.  Okay, actually it tastes like a Halls cough drop, but when you're expecting mint, it's an unpleasant surprise.

Awesome random wrestling statues outside the gymnasium at orientation

At a museum we visited: In case of fire, place this bag over your head. Or, you know, you could follow the exit signs...

Another delightful musical performance for us!

Same place, this set is playing some really loud music that's supposed to symbolize a rain storm or something.

At our awesome Korean pottery excursion: we got to paint some pottery, then they gave us chunks of clay to play with while we waited for everyone to finish

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